So I now have models en route to my house (please USPS deliver them safely!) thanks to craigslist and some creative searching. I kept being drawn back to the Menoth even though Khador was what I got the hang of first, I ended up finding someone who was getting out of the game and picked up all of their army.
Here is what I bought:
pFeora, pKreoss, eKreoss, pSev, Harby, Amon, High Reclaimer, Testament
Avatar, 2x Castigator, 2x Devout, Guardian, Reckoner, Redeemer, 2x Revenger, Vanquisher
2x full choir, 2 Deliverer Sunburst, Min Deliverers (+2 grunts), 2 exemplar seneschal, 2x Full zealots, 2x Monolith Bearer, 2x Knight Exemplar [KE], Paladin, min Errants [KEE], min Cleanser (+2 grunts), full TFG, Wracks
Eiryss, Gorman, Rhupert
So I ordered the rulebook, MKII deck, and the KEE UA in addition. I have more than enough options for numerous, viable 15/25/35/50 point lists and am pretty pumped. About half the models are painted, so I will get to work on my painting skills and I need to figure out how the crap how to put together the UA.
I'm also planning on trading off some of the 'excess' models to fill the holes in my list. So here is my list for trade/receive (with help from the PP Forums):
Things I think I need:
1) Book
2) Vassal
3) Heirophant
4) 4 KEE grunts, KEE Senny
Things I want:
1) eFeora
2) Reznik
3) Reclaimer Solo (just to try out)
4) FoS
5) Crusader
6) Vilmon
7) Bastions
Things that aren't necessary and could be traded off:
1) Castigator
2) 4 of the choir grunts
3) one unit of Zealots + Mon. Bearer
4) the extra Devout
Anyway, quite pumped to be able to play with flesh and blood (instead of Vassal-only) soon. So to those in PDX, hope to see you soon.
In bigger news - T minus 13 days until my first child (daughter) will be here. Way more exciting, but wholly unrelated to WM/H.