Monday, July 26, 2010


So I haven't posted for awhile - with the new baby coming soon its been a lot of prep (painting the crib and changing table was time consuming - lathe-turned dowels make for a tedious process when there are about thirty of them); being unemployed I'm trying to stay on top of job applications, cover letters, and the like; and we took a trip back to the east coast to visit family and then up to Canada for some job training for my wife.

In the past couple of months I have been play-testing all the factions on Vassal in 15-35 point games (using the Privateer Press forums to come up with lists that are at least 'not stupid'). I wanted to at least try a game before making a faction decision - so I gave each one at least a shot. After doing so, it narrowed my list of possible factions to Khador, Circle, and Menoth. From enjoyed most to enjoyed least (I dropped the ones I really didn't like). I never tried Mercs/Minions, but I'm okay with that.

I then went to higher points with Khador, Circle, and Menoth. I could never get the hang of Menoth even though I really tried (I love the models). Khador has become my go-to (and I like the model) and is what I'm pretty sure I'm going to invest in. I'm watching e-bay and bartertown to try to get about 35 points and a couple of warcasters (for variety) or so with my (limited) budget.

Of course, I need to change my background to be more Khador-ish...

1 comment:

  1. I am also new to the whole miniature wargame thing and decided on Khador. I convinced my wife to play too so she went with Cryx. Still working on model assembly, slowly... Best of luck to you.
